Re-read the first 3 scenes of Act 1 and be completely familiar with WHO, WHERE & WHAT.

Think about what relationships are present on stage. Who knows who and for how long? Who is High/Low Status?

As you read it try to imagine a Voice and a Body Shape for EACH character.

Try and identify facts / backstory/ Social and Historic references to character {Why does Pantaloon want the engagement party to be ‘low-key?’}

For Homework you need to complete the diagram on the back of the Handout “Section 2-Analysis” showing HOW all the characters interlink. Bring to the next lesson.

Exam style question to keep in mind during these lessons on Act 1 / Scene 1-2

As a Director, how would you direct the actors in Act 1 Scenes 1 & 2 (So2M) to reveal their essential characteristics, relationships at the start of the play and any sub-textual issues. Make reference to the audience and to your aims as director [what do you need the audience to understand]?

Useful sentence starters:

Eg: “My intention as a director at this point in the play would be to show/reveal/ focus on…”

“It is important for the audience to understand X at this point in the play so, as a director, I would ……”

You don’t have to reference all the characters 

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