Expressionistic design

Berkoff’s acting style and his design of sets has often been described as “Expressionistic”.

German Expressionism in cinema (take some notes in your Journal) – what can be translated into a theater style?

Try and identify and record what the ‘reason / rationale’ is for working ‘expressionistically. What is it concerned with communicating and what is it not concerned with?

Look at the 3 pictures and identify the ‘expressionistic’ elements of the set.

Pick 2 moments EACH where these ‘expressionistic elements’ could be used in the play ‘METAMORPHOSIS’

How can symbols and emotions be represented on a set ?

Think Gregor’s Room – The Samsa’s living room – what do these places symbolise – how do you show that in materials, colours, set dressing and props?

  1. Shadows
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is nosferatu10-1.jpg
  1. Canted angles
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Set-design-expressionistic.jpg
  1. Silhouette
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Meta-Exp-4-683x1024.jpg

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