This is a current production of ‘Macbeth’ in London staring David Tennant (ex-Dr Who)
It is noticeable for it’s creative use of sound (especially 3D Headphones – binaural headphones) – where sounds seems to come from different directions – someone might be whispering into your left ear very close or a door creak might seem to come from behind you – all designed to make the theatrical experience more IMMERSIVE – you, the audience, are IN the action.
How might these ideas be applied to your Sound Design ideas for ‘Metamorphosis’?
As a designer, outline your ideas for sound for this extract. Explain and justify how these would help to create your preferred effects at this point in the play. [10 marks]
Use Pages 101, 102, 103
Above is the Sound Question you will be doing in–class next week.
At Home, I want you to prepare for this question – read the extract several times, think about sounds present and sounds you can add (diegetic and non-diegetic)
The extract has been chosen because there’s a lot you can do with your SOUND DESIGN.
Plan what you would say in an Introduction (it’s a very OPEN question so you need to set out your aims) and in 3 subsequent paragraphs. [I won’t be directing you to the ‘best bits’ so choose wisely.]
Use the Internet to discover what a Leitmotif is. (You could also call it a theme tune or signature sound.