Sound review

This is a current production of ‘Macbeth’ in London staring David Tennant (ex-Dr Who)

It is noticeable for it’s creative use of sound (especially 3D Headphones – binaural headphones) – where sounds seems to come from different directions – someone might be whispering into your left ear very close or a door creak might seem to come from behind you – all designed to make the theatrical experience more IMMERSIVE – you, the audience, are IN the action.

How might these ideas be applied to your Sound Design ideas for ‘Metamorphosis’?

Have a read!

Lighting vocab – help

Lighting terminology 

Your ability to write using the correct terminology will not only show the examiner that you understand Lighting, but it will save you time and allow you to write more in the LIMITED TIME. 

Lighting/light is often similar to liquid – therefore these terms are used: 

Flood lights (lights that literally ‘flood’ all areas without being focused into a specific area.

YOU WRITE: “ I would flood the stage with blue light because…”

General wash – Covering a large part of the stage 

YOU WRITE: “ I would use a general wash of pink to indicate that this is a ‘rosy’ memory.”

Light locations: 

  • Front 
  • Floor  
  • Side 
  • Top 
  • Back 

YOU WRITE: “ I would use up lighting from down stage to create grotesque shadows on the character’s faces because…”

Intensity:  dim, full, bright,  


Snap (a sudden change), fade over ? seconds

YOU WRITE: “I would fade up the spotlight to full over 10 seconds and once X has stopped speaking I would snap the light off…” 

Each lighting effect is called a state.

YOU WRITE: “the lighting state for this point in the extract would be ….” 


Fade up, fade down, Cross-fade, fade to black (out), fade up from black (out) 

YOU WRITE: “I would X fade the 2 states to from memory to reality to …”


Open white (no colour) 

Warm (eg: straw / yellow )

Cool (eg: blues) 

Colour symbolism:

Usually you want to avoid changing the colour of the lights JUST to indicate an emotional change.

However, this is an expressionistic play where the rules of NATURALISM don’t always apply. [Dreams/ Nightmares/ Memories / Story-telling moments.

You can say, “I would use a blood red wash to symbolise Mr Samsa’s anger…” BUT your JUSTIFICATION needs to be something like, “This symbolic use of colour is justified as it is an expressionistic play / moment / happening in a dream/ nightmare…”

Avoid weak colour claims: e.g. “Gregor will be lit in blue to accentuate his transformation and emotional distress.”

Types of lights 

Flood lights (no ability to shape or change the beam) All you can do is colour them with a gel. 

Small/Soft profile (sometimes called a FRESNEL – pronounced ‘fre-nel’ You can modify the beam slightly, shape them with barn doors and colour them with gels 

Spotlights/Profiles: The most versatile light. You can change the beam from a wide, soft edged beam to a sharp, narrow beam. You can shape the beam with barn doors or internal shutters, they are good for gobos and you can colour them with gels. 

Follow -spot (a spotlight on a stand at the back of the theatre operated by a person – follows anyone and places them in a pool of light. 

Sound question

As a designer, outline your ideas for sound for this extract. Explain and
justify how these would help to create your preferred effects at this point in the play.
[10 marks]

Use Pages 101, 102, 103

Above is the Sound Question you will be doing inclass next week.

At Home, I want you to prepare for this question – read the extract several times, think about sounds present and sounds you can add (diegetic and non-diegetic)

The extract has been chosen because there’s a lot you can do with your SOUND DESIGN.

Plan what you would say in an Introduction (it’s a very OPEN question so you need to set out your aims) and in 3 subsequent paragraphs. [I won’t be directing you to the ‘best bits’ so choose wisely.]

Use the Internet to discover what a Leitmotif is. (You could also call it a theme tune or signature sound.

Find out what sampling is. (Vocal and Instrumental)

Look at the 1st minute of this.


What is Reverb?

What is surround sound?


The ACTIVITIES below need to be in your Journals and ready for next week’s lesson.

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ACTIVITY 1 = Begin a MIND-MAP in your Journal

  1. What does sound do for /bring to a theater production?
  2. What ways are there to create ‘sound’? (think Live or Recorded)
  3. How does the audience ‘hear’ sound?

TIPS= How to write about Sound: (vocabulary)

Think about when the sound:

  • starts/stops,
  • its intensity,
  • sound effects applied live or to a recorded sound
  • speakers, microphones

Read this for an understanding of 2 key terms when discussing SOUND!

The clue is ‘originating for the film’s/ play’s world’

LIGHTING ‘METAMORPHOSIS’ -Deconstructing an answer

LIGHTING ‘METAMORPHOSIS’ -Deconstructing an answer

QUESTION: As a designer, outline your ideas for lighting this extract. Explain and justify how these would help to create an appropriate mood and atmosphere at this point in the play

 Cut ‘n’ Paste this into a word doc and then Highlight/Underline

  • RED = references technical vocab,
  • GREEN for any pearls of wisdom (LINKS TO Social/Historic/Cultural)
  • BLUE = references to MOOD /KEY WORDS from the Question and/or Designer’s Intentions /Aims
  • Put a Q in the margin for quotes- count them! (Be aware of how they are used to justify or focus.)

The mood when Mr Samsa starts hurling apples at Gregor is violent and extreme. It’s as if all Mr Samsa’s pent up frustration comes out. As a lighting designer, I would cover the stage in a blood red wash on the line “Apple for you Gregor!”This would symbolise the anger being demonstrated by Mr Samsa. Being an expressionistic play, this symbolistic use of colour is justified. At the point when the apple hits Gregor (It’s sunk in”) I would follow Berkoff’s stage directions and have a strobe light flash on and off quickly- ‘strokes of lightning’. This would catch the family and Gregor in different poses: father triumphant, Mother and Greta distraught, Gregor in agony. It would also have the jumpy, jerky, non-naturalistic feel of a silent movie which would support the 1900s period I feel.

In the next scene, Berkoff puts ‘lights up on the FAMILY.’ In this scene, we see Greta practicing French and father sleeping. As a lighting designer, I would want to convey a more naturalistic mood by using a dim top light in warm yellow to indicate the gas light that would have been used in the 1910s. [See diagram]. I would focus a small profile at ground level onto the down stage right stool and have a flickering red fire effect created by a motorised gobo to create the illusion of a fire. This would link to Berkoff’s idea of total theatre where the audience is using their imagination without the need of an elaborate set. This naturalistic lighting would create an evening mood and a calmer atmosphere several days after the apple throwing.

In this part of the scene, Gregor is absent from the dialogue but there are still references to him when Mrs Samsa asks Greta ‘What’s he doing?’ Berkoff says in his Introduction ‘Gregor is always watching’so I would keep a dim pin spot on Gregor’s room. This would pulse larger then smaller several at the times when the family mentions him and keep reminding the audience of his presence in the scene.

In the last part of this scene, Gregor’s dream, I would want to emphasise the surreal mood that is present. Berkoff describes the family ‘as if under water’ and ‘twisting ‘around in their sleep’. I would use dim footlights coloured blue, which would up-light the facial expressions that the family have. This would have the effect of making facial shadows increase and emphasise the ‘horrified’ expressions Mrs S. is pulling, ‘Father – do something’. Gregor would be lit from the front by a tightly focused spotlight of white light which would gently pulse when he is not speaking. Its low angle also cast large shadows onto the cyclorama upstage – making the actor’s gestures and limbs look larger and more grotesque making this scene quite nightmarish in atmosphere.

What band is this and what number out of 10.

Name 2 things this example does that you didn’t do.

Alternative Set design

This video from the dance company ‘Motionhouse’ uses creative projections projected onto a white set (a curved ramp that the performers can get to the top of and slide down.)

What ideas could be ‘stolen’ for your production.

The cloth that the performers swing from is called a ‘silk’ – it’s originally a circus apparatus.

‘Motionhouse’ are famous for using projected images and interacting with them.

SAMPLE ANSWER If you wanted your set to be more ‘high tech’ and ambitious than Berkoff’s “minimalistic” original.

EXPLAIN: My set would be a 2 storey box set with Gregor’s bedroom up stairs and the Samsa’s living space down stairs (and down stage). The whole set would be white to enable multiple projectors to project moving and still images onto different parts of the set. All the walls would be made from gauze that can be transparent when lit from behind.

There would be a central door in the backwall for the appearance of the Chief Clerk and Lodgers This is where the family would exit to access the upper level. There would be a trap door/hole with a pole in the upstairs bedroom area to allow Gregor to move between his bedroom and the living space. There would also be circus-style silk in the bedroom (disguised as curtains around a window) to allow Gregor as the ‘bug’ to move in extraordinary ways.

There would be a stair case behind the gauze to allow the family to go up and down to Gregor’s room.



Circus style silks that could reach to the downstairs floor (maybe disguised as curtains)  – this allows Gregor to move up and down as a scurrying insect.

Hidden hand hold in white (to blend into the white walls) to allow Gregor to move as an insect and position himself in unusual and gravity defying poses.


Projections can be naturalistic – wall paper – shelves etc


more expressionistic. For example, when Greta says Gregor has been leaving a slime trail across the walls the audience sees that animated. First in Gregor’s room (more naturalistic) and then the trails/ slime oozes down the walls and into the Living space.

JUSTIFICATION: Symbolic of the idea that the Samsa’s feel that their lives & house is being contaminated. It will support the idea that there is no where in the house that is untainted.

Flash backs:

Projections of the outside world can be projected on the upstairs wall whilst Gregor is describing his life on the road downstage. Busy train platforms – cold, poorly lit streets – snow etc. This all supports the story Gregor tells and makes us feel sympathy for him.

  1. If the question is a SET design one then focus on the shape and functionality of the set (maybe one paragraph about it being made up of white flat spaces that can have images projected against.)
  2. If it’s a LIGHTING design question then you can say 1) that projections are a form of lighting 2) what your projections would be.

It’s unlikely that there would be a whole question about projections BUT you can combine them with the other type of lighting effects you know about.


You will research and design the costume for TWO characters

Your characters are:

Grace/ Gabby / Amelie= Mr Samsa & Mrs Samsa

Nic / Naomi= Gregor (Pre-insect and after insect)

Eleanor / Peter / Mara = Chief Clerk & Greta

James/ Jaide = Lodgers (as working class/factory workers) and as upper class/fallen on hard times

Create 1 Mood board [example below] for your ‘given’ characters + a paragraph of NOTES about the costume items/ personal props you have chosen.


Deadline: Submitted electronically by Thursday 15th Dec

You will create a picture mood board like the one below.

  • Remember the ‘period is the early 20th century. (1900-1920s)
  • The Samsa’s are Lower Middle class.

Plus notes on Costume / Props etc (Your JUSTIFICATION)


As a designer, outline your ideas for lighting this extract. Explain and justify how these would help to create an appropriate mood and atmosphere at this point in the play.

Extract used P109-112

Read the extract IN FULL

In pairs / small groups take EACH of the MOMENTS identified below and MIND -MAP (15 mins) the information you think is relevant to answer the question. [Include a diagram for the placement of the lights]

Your conversation needs to be FULL of the vocabulary of lighting (placement, type of lights, colour, special effects and over all MOOD /ATMOSPHERE)

MOMENT 1 = The apple throwing

MOMENT 2 = ‘New scene’ Bottom of P110/111

MOMENT 3 = ‘Gregor’s Dream’ P112

  1. Create a MIND-MAP that has 1 introduction (with an overview of the context of the extract, your AIMS (affecting the audience) or how lights assist with Berkoff’s/Kafka’s style)
  2. 2-3 paragraphs where you EXPLAIN and JUSTIFY specific ideas/moments with terminology

(If time allows) Present ONE of your ideas/moments to the class.

IN CLASS you will write out your answer to the above question.

You may use your notes

You should attempt to have 5 quotes

You must have a diagram (but take no more than 5 mins producing it) TIP: your diagram isn’t meant to show ALL your lights for ALL of your ideas -use the diagram to ‘explain’ your most ambitious idea and refer to the diagram in your writing when you get to that bit of your answer.

EACH of your paragraphs should address one of the MOMENTS specified above.


Lighting ‘Metamorphosis’

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The aim of the next 2 lessons is to:

  • Understand the principles of lighting design
  • Know what lights create what effects
  • Build subject specific vocabulary
  • Give opportunities to be creative / experiment using a light simulator

Task 1a: In Pairs, discuss for 5 mins ‘why lights are needed in theatre?‘ (Shakespeare didn’t use them!)

  • Functional lighting
  • Emotive lighting (effects designed to cause/reflect an emotion)

Task 1b: Define what each term means and provide an example from the play. (Look at the 1st 2 photos if you need help).

  • A cyclorama light
  • Side lights
  • Top lighting
  • Foot lights
  • Specials
  • High Side Gobos
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Back lighting = silhouette

Task 2: (20 minutes) Finding out what lights do (basic)

Create a Word Doc and print off by the end of the lesson.

*Take screen shots of each TYPE OF LIGHT to help YOU remember the effects created.

Log in to the website BELOW.

WEBSITE for lighting simulator

Set every light to zero (slide to the left).

Using 1 slider / light at a time, see what effects are created by using:

  • A cyclorama light
  • Side lights
  • Top lighting
  • Foot lights
  • Specials
  • GoBo’s (short for ‘go between’

Task 3: (20 minutes) Create a ‘lighting state’ for 2 chosen scenes in the play (using this website.)


In your Journal, you need to be able to:

  1. State the scene – location – time of day.
  2. Explain where lights are positioned, angled, focused and any colour choices, special effects (gobos?)
  3. Justify why you used these (in terms of the effects you wish to create eg: time / place / mood.)
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In 1910 what are the light sources available in an apartment rented by a ‘lower middle class family’ like the Samas. [THINK natural and artificial]

SHARE ideas:


Other set designs

Original Production – Berkoff

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Homework [after looking in detail at these set designs (below), Explain and Justify them in words (about 200 words per set design)- use all the specific vocab you can = see last post]

Look for other set design ideas on the Internet

Production 1 (Philip

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2 –Icelandic Production – Lyric Hammersmith 20

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 “I set the production in the American 1950s”
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3- Dance Production – Royal Opera House – UK

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