The following questions should test your basic understanding of how the final Act (3) of ‘A Servant of 2 Masters’ wraps up all the plot strands from the earlier parts of the play.

  1. What is a lazzi and what would you call the lazzi that Truffaldino does at the start of Act 3?
  2. What story does Truffaldino spin to cover up the mix up with the portrait and notebook.
  3. Thinking the other is dead what do Florindo and Beatrice/Ferderigo do?
  4. Who saves them?
  5. What is Florindo and Beatrice’s plan to get back to Turin (where Florindo killed Ferderigo in a dual)?
  6. Who does Truffaldino blame to avoid getting punished by his 2 masters?
  7. What help does Truffaldino want from Florindo? What’s Florindo’s reaction?
  8. Does Clarice take Silvio back quickly? How does she react with Silvio. Give 1-2 examples.
  9. What is the confusion surrounding Truffaldino and Smeraldina in the last scene? Explain the way the Masters deal with it.
  10. Who get the last word and what is it about?

Comprehension of Act 3 – Answers:

  1. What is a lazzi and what would you call the lazzo that Truffaldino does at the start of Act 3? [2]

A lazzi is a piece of comic business left up to the actor to create [1]. The lazzo in Act 3 Sc 1 involves Truffaldino unpacking both Beatrice and Florindo’s trucks and getting all the clothes mixed up. The lazzo of the 2 chests / mixing up of the Master’s clothes.[1]

  • What story does Truffaldino spin to cover up the mix up with the portrait and notebook. [2]

The portrait was given to Truff in a will (inherited it upon the death of his master – Beatrice/Federigo.) [1]The notebook was left to Truff. when his master Florindo drowned in a canal. [1]

  • Thinking the other is dead what do Florindo and Beatrice/Ferderigo do? [1]

They plan to hang themselves

  • Who saves them? [1]

Brighella – who jokes that there’s a charge for committing suicide in his inn.

  • What is Florindo and Beatrice’s plan to get back to Turin (where Florindo killed Ferderigo in a dual)? [1]

Beatrice has gathered enough money from business dealings with Pantaloon, to be able to pay any fine that may be imposed on Florindo in Turin for killing Federigo in a duel.

  • Who does Truffaldino blame to avoid getting punished by his 2 masters? What’s Florindo’s reaction? [2]

Truffaldino blames the mix up on Pasqual. [1] He says he will be beaten for Pasqual’s mistakes, which impresses Florindo [1]

  • What help does Truffaldino want from Florindo? [1]

Truff. want Florindo to speak for him in asking Pantaloon/ Clarice for Smeraldina’s hand in marriage (servants weren’t allowed to do this on their own if the woman was a servant to a Master)

  • Does Clarice take Silvio back quickly? How does she react with Silvio 1-2 examples [2]

Clarice does not take back Silvio immediately. [1} She makes Silvio grovel [1] and she insults him to make him feel all the more guilty – then she accepts him back. [1]

  • What is the confusion surrounding Truffaldino and Smeraldina in the last scene? Explain the way the Masters deal with it. [2]

Supposedly there are 2 servants (Truff and Pasqual) who want to marry Smeraldina.[1] To solve the problem neither is given permission which makes Truff. come clean that Pasqaul was just a made up servant. [1]

  • Who get the last word [1] and what’s it about? [2]

Truffaldino get a sonnet (verse) [1] In it he asks forgiveness of his Masters and pleads (for the sake of LOVE) for them to give him a happy ending – ‘he’ll now serve Smeraldina [2]

Total     ? / 18