Costume #1- Metamorphosis

Answer these questions on a word document

#1 Why have costume?

Why not just have actors in ‘rehearsal blacks’? (Berkoff did in 1969)

Blackass: a race rewrite of Kafka's Metamorphosis | Books | The Guardian
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Bug-suit-683x1024.jpg

#2 Identify / discuss why this costume {above} for Gregor would be inappropriate.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Gregor2-1.jpg

#3 Draw and Identify the elements of this costume.

#4 Discuss what this costume tells the audience.

#5 Why is it a more appropriate costume for Berkoff’s production of ‘Metamorphosis’?

#6 What period would the costume be if your production stayed faithful to the period when Kafka wrote this?

#7Look up some costumes for this period on line.

Copy and paste some for Gregor.

Make-up (include in costume)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Costume-greta-1024x683.jpg
Make-up – this could be a paragraph for a costume question.

#8 Why use the white face that Berkoff seems to like?

#9 What are the issues around props and accessories in ‘Metamorphosis’

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