Costume/ Prop Question

As a designer, outline your ideas for costume, props and accessories for this extract. Explain and justify how these would help to create your preferred effects at this point in the play.

[Use pages 105-107]


BE CAREFUL: Just because it says props and accessories doesn’t mean you need to be tempted to make this into a naturalistic style production. Think about how Berkoff does it. Do you want to modify that? Could costume and props be used symbolically? Think colour of costume.

Don’t be afraid to say that you’d do it differently from how Berkoff does it.

Costume #1- Metamorphosis

Answer these questions on a word document

#1 Why have costume?

Why not just have actors in ‘rehearsal blacks’? (Berkoff did in 1969)

Blackass: a race rewrite of Kafka's Metamorphosis | Books | The Guardian
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Bug-suit-683x1024.jpg

#2 Identify / discuss why this costume {above} for Gregor would be inappropriate.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Gregor2-1.jpg

#3 Draw and Identify the elements of this costume.

#4 Discuss what this costume tells the audience.

#5 Why is it a more appropriate costume for Berkoff’s production of ‘Metamorphosis’?

#6 What period would the costume be if your production stayed faithful to the period when Kafka wrote this?

#7Look up some costumes for this period on line.

Copy and paste some for Gregor.

Make-up (include in costume)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Costume-greta-1024x683.jpg
Make-up – this could be a paragraph for a costume question.

#8 Why use the white face that Berkoff seems to like?

#9 What are the issues around props and accessories in ‘Metamorphosis’

Gregor’s speech pattern

As a performer, explain and justify how you would perform the role of Gregor as an insect (P84-87) in order to create your preferred audience response to the character at this

point in the play.


P89) GREGOR: {Crying out – gutteral voice – a creature less than a human – his words become less and less distinguishable to them…}

“Sir, I’m just going to open the door – this very minute…slight illness – an attack of giddiness – kept me in my bed – getting up now – just a moment longer- sudden attack – be right as rain soon – no foundation in your reports – no one said anything to me – obviously you haven’t looked at my last order – spare my parents – I’ll catch the 8 o’clock train – Don’t let me detain you – please make my excuses to the Chief.”

  1. Say the lines out loud in a ‘normal’ conversational voice.
  2. DISCUSS: Who are you addressing?
  3. What is your objective? WANT (what tone or colour do you want in your voice)
  4. STICKMAN VOICE ELEMENTS: How can that be brought out in your delivery?
  5. What do you notice about the syntax (structure of the speech)
  6. SOUND FXS LIVE: What is the sound of the insect (what can you change from ‘normal’ speech patterns – pitch, pace, addition of sound effects?)
  7. Add the speech to the movement for this section.

What qualities does this extract have (Gregor’s last monologue)

Use the words Inner Monologue (Private voice) and Insect Voice (Public)

Gregor’s speech patterns at the start – the Chief Clerk scene.

As a performer, explain and justify how you would perform the role of Gregor as an insect (P84-87) in order to create your preferred audience response to the character at this point in the play.

PLAN: 3 points you can make from the Extract. (Bullet Points)


Quick Intro to establish a context (this part of the play)

Your aim as actor (preferred effects on audience)