Homework [after looking in detail at these set designs (below), Explain and Justify them in words (about 200 words per set design)- use all the specific vocab you can = see last post]
Berkoff’s acting style and his design of sets has often been described as “Expressionistic”.
German Expressionism in cinema (take some notes in your Journal) – what can be translated into a theater style?
Look at the 3 pictures and identify the ‘expressionistic’ elements of the set.
Pick 2 moments EACH where these ‘expressionistic elements’ could be used in the play ‘METAMORPHOSIS’
How can symbols and emotions be represented on a set ?- think Gregor’s Room – The Samsa’s living room – what do these places symbolise – how do you show that in materials, colours, set dressing and props?
Identify the 4 different design jobs that could come up in the exam.
Why is EACH aspect of design necessary? [What does it do for the audience or production?] SPEND A FEW MINS CONSIDERING EACH.
FUNCTIONAL design – ?
EXPRESSIVE design – ?
What is the difference?
List as much specialist vocab as you can to help when discussing EACH design area. (E.g: spotlights, cue, instrumental sound, backdrops, etc)
Where/How could it be used in the play? [Find 3 moments where a design element would really help the story telling – eg: when Gregor finally opens the door a shaft of light can pour into the living room.]
Read P 72 & P77 of the Introduction and Stage Setting (at the beginning of the play) to discover ideas for Set, Music, Lighting, total theatre – Record quotes in Berkoff’s own words
Explain the original set design (Hwk)
(Explain it) Draw the set and label it on plain A4 paper and stick in.
Set dressing (things you add to the basic structure (shelves, pictures etc)
Cyclorama (white cloth across back of stage – for lights to be projected against.
Shadow screen
Gauze (material that is transparent if a light is shone from behind but which is opaque if light is shone from in front (can be painted or projected upon)