
As a performer, how would you play Clarice in Act 1 to reveal different aspects of her character? Make specific reference to any social/historical & or cultural contexts

[Different aspects = comedic and serious]

With a partner, work out a PLAN for this question that involves an:


Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

You’ll need KEY SCENES to refer to in the 1st ACT

You’ll need to use the terminology of the ACTOR (Think STICK MAN)

Examiner’s say the Indicative content for a performer focused question could include [remember you wouldn’t be expected to cover it all!!]

  • physical appearance, age, height, build, colouring, facial features
  • vocal qualities, pitch, pace, tone, accent
  • delivery of specific lines: interaction with others, eye contact, spatial relationships, physical contact
  • use of space
  • XXXX’s relationship with other KEY characters
  • movement, gesture, gait, posture, energy, demeanour and facial expressions
  • style/use of costume/make-up; of props and accessories
  • specific performance ideas clearly calculated to reveal the specified interpretation in key scenes, for example:

Social, cultural or historical context might include, for example:

  • reference to stock characters
  • structure of play
  • concepts of Commedia – lazzi, audience interaction

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