Category Archives: Ecology

All posts linking to aspects of ecology



From Trash to Treasure: Exploring the Potential of Plastic-Eating Bacteria in Recycling Efforts

Have we found the solution we’ve been searching for?

The discovery of a microbe found consuming plastic within a rubbish dump earlier this month, has sparked hope within activists, for the commencing of a potential “recycling revolution”. Currently, scientists are working strenuously to attempt to replicate and fast-track the effects of these microbes with hopes of turning the tides of our waste-crisis.

Discovered in 2001, the above image (left), shows the Ideonella Sakaiensis bacteria, which was discovered by a group of Japanese scientist within a rubbish dump. Our very hope lies within their impeccable ability to break down the majority of a plastic substance (right) within 4 weeks, a staggering difference to their natural rate of decomposition, lasting on average for 20-500 years. The bacteria in the paper released shortly following the initial discovery, was described as a specialised enzyme that the bacteria produced that allowed it to break down polyethylene terephthalate, otherwise known as PET.

Overall, the microbe provides hope for the near future, however whether scientists can pull through with the replication, distribution and management is something only time can tell.