All posts by Olivia Chabros



Current Affairs: Himalayan Lake Flooding In India

Above is a link to a website regarding the recent a burst in the Himalayan lake earlier this month. This sudden burst could be because of the heavy monsoon rains and us also being in a El Nino year.

This interested me because my IA has been somewhat based around El Nino’s, Floods and Droughts so over the course of doing my IA it has become a topic I have been regularly investigating. Just knowing these extreme El Nino’s are occurring is quite concerning as they are becoming more frequent and gaining severity which is also do the rise in global temperatures. I believe this will be a sort of wake up call for the world because it really emphasises that our actions, big or small, have consequences.

With regard to what an El Nino is by using the NOAA website “An El Nino condition occurs when surface water in the equatorial Pacific becomes warmer than average and east winds blow weaker than normal. The opposite condition is called La Nina. During this phase of ENSO, the water is cooler than normal and the east winds are stronger. El NiƱos typically occur every 3 to 5 years.”,the%20east%20winds%20are%20stronger.

How do you believe we can combat how frequent the El Nino’s are occurring and lower the risks ? Do you think we are beyond the point of redemption?