Unravelling the Mystery: Investigating the Decline of Monarch Butterflies in Mexico

As a result of pesticides and Climate Change, the endangered insect species lost approximately 59% of their entire population in Mexico within the past year. This is the second-lowest recorded population of Monarch butterflies in Mexico in history. The species population is not counted individually, but rather by the hectares they cover, this year the level reached 0.9 hectares, dropping from a prior 2.21 hectares. With the lowest level being in 2013, at 0.67 hectares. for scale the largest international football field is approximately 0.82 hectares.

“It has a lot to do with climate change,” stated Gloria Tavera, the commission’s conservation director. She cited natural phenomena such as storms, drought and higher temperatures, all induced to higher extremes by climate change.

the largest contributor by far to the species’ decline is illegal logging, which caused a 58.7 hectare loss of habitat, which is roughly equivalent to 71.5 largest international football fields, or 3 of the Rungrado North Korean Stadium.


four new emperor penguin groups found

Emperor penguins are threatened due to climate change and Over 90% of Emperor Penguins Will Be Quasi-Extinct By 2100 If Current Antarctica Sea Ice Loss Rates Persist.
Four new emperor penguin colonies have been identified in Antarctica by satellites which brings the number of known nesting sites around the White Continent to 66.
This is good because even though they are being affected greatly by the melting ice new colonies are still being discovered.
This brings the estimated population to around 550,000.
with these discoveries scientists believe they now know the whereabouts of all of the remaining breeding pairs, this is also vital information for conservationists who are monitoring the species.

Emperor Penguin

Proposed Sixth Category of Hurricanes

Scientists have found that the strength of hurricanes has been dramatically increased as a result of the climate crisis. The proposal is for hurricanes to fall into a sixth category if they have sustained winds greater than 192mph. The highest current category, 5, includes storms of 157mph or higher.

The increasing strength of hurricanes is a result of warmer oceans from climate change providing more energy to storms. Storms such as Hurricane Patricia from 2015, which reached a top wind speed of 215mph, would fit into the proposed sixth category.


Restoration of endangered rainforest in Devon

‘Ancient rainforest to be restored in Devon, with 100,000 trees planted this winter’

In north Devon about 100,000 new trees have been planted as an ‘attempt to boost wildlife’ by providing new habitats. This also acts as a carbon store and aims to ‘offset climate change… purify air and water’ while creating a ‘species-rich’ area.
