Daily Archives: January 5, 2024
Tornado in Belgium
Belgium has seen floods and a hurricane, destroying homes, land, and animal habitats.
Links to: topic 3 biodiversity, topic 7 climate change
Impact of Storm Henk
Storm Henk caused major flooding across the UK, with many flood warnings remaining in place, in addition to damage caused to the landscape and to people’s properties. The storm damage caused left travel disrupted with trains and roads blocked by fallen trees, and left a large number of homes without power.

Recent Global Weather Phenomena
Due to Strom Henk, England experiences high levels of flooding, many railways and roads have been declared unsafe to use due to a staggering approximately 300 flood warnings in place issued by the Environmental Agency, and over 330 flood alerts. Flood warning indicate that there will almost certainly be a flood in the particular area, and flood alerts bring attention to areas that have a chance of flooding, but are less likely to do so.

Beijing experiences it’s coldest Winter since 1951, with temperatures remaining below freezing (-10 Degrees Celsius) consistently for over 300 hours, alongside blizzards and snow storms that lasted throughout the duration of December.

Many species are displaced, following a cyclone, record breaking flooding, power outages and water deficiencies. The added threat alongside dealing with the aftermath of saltwater crocodiles appearing in unusual places only adds to the chaos the locals in Queensland are experiencing.